Food that’s truly good for the soul

If you’re enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, you may have the Port Alberni Shelter Society to thank for the fresh produce. Summer is finally here and Shelter Farms’ gardens are bursting with kale, lettuce, microgreens and root vegetables. They’re all being served up by participating restaurants in Port Alberni. Shelter Farm is a…

National Inquiry: Report Released

This past Monday, June 3, 2019, the national inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls in Canada released a final report. The report provides details about the root causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls. It puts forward a total of 231 calls for justice for government, various institutions and all levels…

Shelter Farm: Growing our Future

Just 10 minutes from Port Alberni is 140 acres of land that grows more than just produce. It grows opportunities and hope. Shelter Farm is a social enterprise, a business operated by The Port Alberni Shelter Society. In addition to growing sustainable salad greens, root vegetables and fruits, Shelter Farm is home to the “market…

May 6-12 is Mental Health Week

Hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Mental Health Week takes place the first full week in May. This year’s message is “Get loud about what mental health really is.” Why should we talk about mental health? Many Canadians confuse the terms mental health and mental illness and use them interchangeably. This confusion contributes to…

Crackdown: A new media for drug users

The drug war, covered by drug users as war correspondents, Crackdown is a new podcast that talks about Canada’s overdose crisis. Hosted by Garth Mullions, a member of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU), Crackdown airs monthly and features interviews with people who are fighting for their lives, trying to find solutions to…